A committee of North Bay City Council is starting the process Wednesday night on deciding next year’s water and waste water operating budget.
Chair of Operations and Infrastructure Councillor Chris Mayne says they will also look at next years water bills but that’s not all.

“We’re also going to have a look at our long term,long range water budget planning. And Deputy Mayor Tanya Vrebosch might be discussing any implications that could impact long term rates,” Mayne says.

Mayne says currently they’re looking at an increase.

“Right now it’s 5.1 %. My sense is that translates out to $45-50 more per year to the average household,” he says.

He says keep in mind the budget increase is separate from what you see on your water bill. No decisions are being recommended at this point.

He says the capital levy is the single largest factor in the increase.

Mayne says it amounts to 2 % of the budget and reflects council’s desire to keep with the cost of inflation on repairs and insurance.

No decisions are being recommended at this point.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: budget, chris-mayne, water-and-waste-water