If Thursday’s attendance at an event at the North Bay YMCA is any indication there is a lot of interest in North Bay becoming an age friendly community.

The gymnasium was packed as people took in the North Bay Seniors Information and Active Living Fair.

Brian Kimber is the city’s Community Development Facilitator.

Kimber says one focus of the event was to educate the public on what being an age friendly community is all about.

He says they’re in the early stages of the implementation plan.

“Right now, we’re starting to create and use a community dashboard and helps us track and communicate with our community partners on where we’re headed and how we’re going to get there when it comes to becoming an age friendly community,” he says.

Fran LaFramboise is a public health nurse at the health unit.

She says they’ve already implemented longer traffic lights where the time to cross is extended and they’ll be bringing in more changes in the fall.

Another purpose of the event is letting seniors know what’s out there for them.

Kimber says the work is underway to make North Bay more age friendly, but much still needs to be done.

That includes funding and support from the local businesses.

Filed under: seniors, ymca