About a month ago my family and I heard the beautiful sound of bagpipes outside. We found out that the Branch 23 Pipe and Drum Band practice at The Elks Lodge here in North Bay every week, and on nice days they play outside. My neighbours Dave and Tracey McPhail decided to surprise me by parading down our street while the band performed a concert in my driveway! I’ve never been so surprised! The band was so amazing that my other neighbours came out to watch! All of this happening while it was pouring rain.  I will remember this forever 🙂
You can see them perform this weekend at the Powassan Fall Fair. Thank you so much to the band and everyone involved.  My heart is full.

Filed under: amazing community, Branch 23 Pipe and Drum Band, Dave McPhail, Impromptu concert, north bay, Pipes Rock, Tracey McPhail