The Northern Ontario Party wants the province to have a plebiscite on education in the next provincial election.

In a release, the party says many school boards are faced with school closures, underfunding and decreased enrolment.

The plebiscite would ask voters whether Ontario should remain under 4 school systems being the English Public and Catholic and the French Public and Catholic or consolidating all four school systems into one.

Party leaders Trevor Holliday says after traveling across Northern Ontario and talking to new & potential members, businesses, educators, municipal governments and other northerners it has become apparent that there are major problems within the educational system.

He says it is about time that this “elephant in the room” gets discussed instead of ignored or on the back burner.

“It is time to be fair and let the people speak,” Holliday says in a release.

Filed under: northern-ontario-party, one-school-board