North Bay Mayor Al McDonald says they’ve begun the process of developing the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan.

He says they’re breaking it down into several pieces starting with what has to happen right away, what has to happen in the medium term and the long term.

He says right now it’s all about planning for next steps on a few things including an official plan amendment, working with the Rotary Club of North Bay on a splash pad, working on expanding the Community Improvement Plan and adopting the plans guidelines.

He says council still has to approve an extension until November so that there is time for a geo-technical study.

Meantime, proposed changes to winter parking restrictions are still possible. T

his despite two reports being pulled from the agenda earlier this week.

McDonald says some of the committees are changing for the proposal so it was more of a procedural move.

The main proposal calls for the winter period to be between November 1st and April 15th and the issue before council proposes no parking in the DIA boundaries between 3-6:30 am, no parking on a cul de sac or dead end street between 3-8:30 and no parking on other streets between 3-7:30.

Filed under: al-mcdonald-north-bay, downtown-north-bay, parking, winter