Some political support on Wednesday for locked out workers at the local Children’s Aid Society offices on Main Street West.

Two NDP MPP’s France Gelinas and John Vanthof spoke at a rally in support of the workers and also in opposition to the use of replacement workers by the CAS.

Gelinas says the use of replacement workers during a work stoppage can have long term negative implications for the community.

She says the CAS has lost sight of the end goal by hiring replacement workers.

Gelinas says the use of replacement workers has a long term impact on the community.

She told the employees there are other ways to ensure services are maintained and those ways do not include a lockout and the use of replacement workers.

Also speaking at the rally was CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn.

The lockout has been on going since December 23rd and no talks are scheduled.

Workload is a key issue for the employees.

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