City Hall (some snow)



4 more businesses in North Bay want city council to have the 9 metre smoke free area around their entrances enforced.

Ron Melnyk is the chief bylaw enforcement officer.

He says the smoking bylaw restricts smoking within 9 metres of an entrance way for businesses and the 4 businesses have asked council to add their names to the bylaw and that’ll be addressed at the next council meeting.

He says they will join other businesses that have already done so.

Melnyk  says the 9 metre zone means no smoking or even holding a cigarette.

Melnyk says most people respect the 9 metre zones but those that don’t can be fined under the bylaw.

He says the number of businesses that have signed up is in the 20-25 area and the fine is 180 dollars per occurrence.

Melnyk says bylaw enforcement, hospital security and contract officers in the city enforce the bylaw.