Photo by Jeff Lush
Photo by Jeff Lush


It’s a chance for local fans of The Tragically Hip to get together to watch the band’s final concert of their Man Machine Poem Tour.

Laurentian Ski Hill and Steve Deacon Wealth Management are inviting the community to their screening of The CBC and The Tragically Hip presents The Tragically Hip: A National Celebration on Saturday August 20th at Memorial Gardens.

Conservation Authority Board Chair Dave Mendicino says the Terrorbirds will also be performing, with details on another band still to be announced.

Admission is FREE with donations being accepted for Laurentian Ski Hill and the Gord Downie Fund For Brain Cancer Research.

The concessions will be open and there’s also a 50-50 draw that night too.

Back in May, the band announced lead singer Gord Downie was diagnosed last December with terminal brain cancer.